
I excel in interdisciplinary and dynamic team environments where I proactively engage all relevant stakeholders. My open and agile mindset inspires others, and my skill set includes technical expertise, effective presentation skills, international networking, and intercultural competencies.

I effectively communicate findings, results, and recommendations. I am able to present complex topics in a simple manner and inspire, motivate, and persuade colleagues. I have the ability to hire and control agencies as well as other external service providers from the offer to the performance control.

I have a proven track record and hands-on experience in online marketing, particularly in technical search engine optimization. I understand website structure, Core Web Vitals, and how to manage search engine crawlers, and am proficient in HTML/CSS/JavaScript and other web programming languages, CMS, e-commerce platforms, and analytics.

Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Engineering and a Master’s in Chinese-European Economics and Business Studies, I prioritize continuous learning.

I am fluent in English, German and Chinese.


I have a well-rounded skill set, encompassing not only PPC, E-Mail, and SEO, but also a strong foundation in coding. My love affair with computers started at the young age of 5, and by the 1990s, I had already launched my first website offering free games for download. While computer games occupied too much of my time, they did not detract from my coding hobby, which I continue to pursue till this day.

With a strong understanding of the fiat currency system and a deep interest in monetary history, I developed a keen interest in Bitcoin early on. My self-taught education on these subjects led me to acquiring my first Bitcoin in 2015. The interest led me also to go to China in 2012, where I had the opportunity to learn more about monetary history, the cryptocurrency industry and to network with other Bitcoin enthusiasts. More recently, I have integrated the use of ChatGPT into my daily routine, having begun utilizing it in December 2022.

I can accept contract work via Upwork (I am the best rated German WordPress developer on the largest website for freelancers)

我期待同多元、有活力的团队写作文,并希望所有相关利益者都能参与到团队协作中来。我开放和敏捷的思维可以为团队带来灵感。 我具备过硬的相关技术知识,具备出色的演讲、国际网络和跨文化交集能力。


我在数字营销方面有数年的傲人成绩。在线上/绩效营销方面我也具有丰富成功的实践经验,尤其是在优化技术搜索引擎方面。我了解优秀网站结构的特征,以及如何改进 Core Web Vitals 或者如何处理不同搜索引擎网络爬虫来控制爬取和索引。在 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 以及其他网络编程语言、CMS、电子商务平台和分析方面我也有着丰富的实践经验。

